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Acquitted of ALL Charges

Writer's picture: Chelsey RussellChelsey Russell

"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

-Romans 5:1

Imagine being brought before a judge in a courtroom. Your the one standing trial for a whole handbook full of charges brought forth against you. In your heart you know your guilty, and you know the prosecutor is going to give it all he’s got to condemn you straight to prison for as long as he can. The evidence against you is overwhelming, everything has been recorded and collected not missing even a single fragment of the crimes you’ve committed. Your nervous, scared, and have nothing to prove your innocence with. The Judge sits down in his seat. He first calls upon the prosecutor to hear his argument. As the prosecutor passionately shares with the court all of the evidence he’s collected to prove you guilty, you begin to realize he’s dead set on the judge throwing you in prison for an eternity, throwing away the key for good. He shows no mercy on you what so ever, and he’s not holding back from sharing every last detail of every crime you’ve ever committed in your life. He’s made you out to be a wretched and evil sinner who deserves the ultimate punishment. Spiritual death, complete separation from God for all eternity. When the prosecutor finishes presenting his argument against you, the Judge than turns to your defense attorney. He asks, “what is your defense?” With a smile on His face, your defense attorney than says, “He’s covered by my blood. He is mine. He is forgiven” The Judge than slams His gavel down, and with a loud shout He says, “aquitted of ALL charges!” You drop to your knees and begin to thank your defense attorney. You praise Him for what He has done for you and you say, “THANK YOU JESUS! YOU DID FOR ME WHAT I COULD NEVER DO FOR MYSELF!” As all of the courtroom rejoices, the prosecutor is absolutely irate that he lost the case and storms out of the courtroom in defeat. And it was on that day you walked out of the courtroom a new man. With the mercy, grace and forgiveness you’ve been given, you realize it’s time for a new start, a new way of life and you ask Jesus to walk you home. Peace filled your soul that day, and you’ve never been the same since.

This is how I picture what coming to Christ looks like. Us wretched sinful human beings, who are guilty of many, many things, deserving eternal punishment for all the crimes we’ve committed against God. Only to be met with love, grace, mercy and forgiveness by the best defense attorney we could ever have! Jesus! We have been justified by God's grace and through our faith in what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross. He paid the wager we never could with His life. And made sure we, who trusted in Him would be acquitted of ALL the charges brought forth against us! Hallelujah! We officially have the victory in Christ Jesus. We are filled with His peace that surpasses all understanding, justified before our Father in Heaven, covered and washed clean by the blood of Jesus Christ. For that I am forever grateful, and I pray that this post blesses you in some way today. 1 John 4:18 says, "Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced His perfect love. We have been acquitted, wash by the blood. Made a new creation in Christ Jesus, now walk with Him knowing that He loved you enough to die for you. His death was enough. Amen




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