You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you, for he wrote, 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
-Matthew 15:7-8
We all have this self-image, a false perception of ourselves,
A lack of humility, believing we are better than everyone else,
“I am a Christian,” we say, “I am holier than thou,”
But God gives grace to the humble, and opposes the proud,
We believe we are perfect, without blemish or flaw,
We honor God with our lips, but our hearts are far from God,
Always quick to condemn, to point our finger at the sinner,
Quickly casting the first stones, while our hearts are blindly so bitter,
We walk around in pride, self-righteousness as our permanent expression,
The first with an opinion, but the last to confession,
We pray as the hypocrites do, leading sinful hidden lives,
But what’s done in the dark, God will bring to the light,
It rains on the just and unjust, what has been hidden will be revealed,
God knows a man's heart, he knows what it truly conceals,
We brag about our accomplishments, boast about our own abilities,
Giving ourselves the credit, while falsely claiming humility,
We praise him on the Sabbath, and only break bread with our favorites,
Living for ourselves the rest of the week, screaming, “NAME IT AND CLAIM IT!”
Our itching ears seek out desirable doctrine, a doctrine of demons,
One that’ll fluff up our chests, making us believe we are walking in true freedom,
We walk past the broken, and turn our backs on the hungry,
We gossip about our brother, and spew hellfire unto the “junkies,”
Our tongues are full of evil, rooted from a wicked heart,
Claiming to walk in divine light, while really relishing in the dark,
You hypocrites! Jesus says boldly, in Matthew chapter fifteen,
Prancing around with your fancy religious words, while your heart is dirty and unclean,
Where is the real you? The one hidden behind sheep’s clothing,
The one that’s full of pride, hatred and self- loathing,
Where is the real you? The one hiding behind the light,
Are you seated at the table with the devil? Pretending to follow Christ,
Are you a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a false sister with a knife?
A twin of the religious leaders, pretending to fight the good fight?
Are you hiding behind the mask? The one painted with glitter and gold,
Aren’t you tired of the facade, don’t you see it’s getting old?
Come out you vipers, come into the light,
Expose yourselves you hypocrites, lay down your life,
For the Son of Man is coming, very quickly on a cloud,
Bringing rewards for his saints, and destruction to the proud.