This is dedicated to my cousin Brittany who lost her daughter Sage to stillbirth 9 years ago next month. I wrote this for her last year, but I’d like to share it on here as well in memory of Sage. God Bless you my cousin, I love you always, ❤️
Goodmorning Mommy!
Oh how I miss you so!
It’s been a long 8 years mommy, but it’s been a blessing to watch you grow!
Heaven is so beautiful mommy, with beautiful flowers and trees!
I’ve saved a spot for you daddy and brother, I can’t wait for us to meet!
Jesus is so wonderful mommy! He takes care of my every need!
We play in the fields of flowers, and dance with the bumble bees!
The singing is magnificent, and the radiant light is so bright!
There’s no ounce of sorrow, and never a thought of night!
I know you miss me mommy, but Jesus said that’s okay,
Because he’s been with you mommy, every single step of the way,
I’ve watched him pick up your tears, and lovingly comfort your heart,
Lighting up your life in the moments that they seemed so very dark!
I’m so proud of you mommy! You haven’t given up!
Have faith in your healing mommy, because Jesus will never give up!
Oh the oceans are so blue mommy, daddy would love all the fishes!
And my brother could even go swimming with the jelly fishes!
I’m in paradise mommy, filled with so much love and light!
I may not be there on earth but I pinky promise I’m alright!
Goodmorning mommy!
Oh how I love you so!
I wrote this letter from Heaven just to let you know!
Cry today if you need to mommy, but rejoice and try to smile!
I’m not gone for forever mommy, it’ll only be a while.
I love you Mommy!
I love you too ❤️