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Importance of Family

Writer's picture: Chelsey RussellChelsey Russell

“After the wedding he went to Capernaum for a few days with his mother, his brothers, and his disciples.” - John 2:12

As I was reading the chapter about the wedding celebration Jesus was invited to in the book of John chapter 2, it was the last verse that really stood out to me and spoke to me personally. When the wedding celebration was over, Jesus went and spent time with his family, friends and disciples. This was after he performed his first miracle by turning water into wine. I have read this story about Jesus before and that verse has never spoken to me as loud as it did just recently. I was in such awe at the fact that Jesus made it a point to spend time with the people God had blessed Him with. And it wasn’t just a small amount of time, no, the scripture says He spent days with them! The message in this verse hasn’t left my mind since I read it, it is always a present thought, a reminder of what’s important.

I believe the Holy Spirit highlighted this verse in my mind and heart for a good reason. And I’m praying this post will bless someone who has or is in the same spot as me when it comes to what I have learned and am learning. Now, to get why this verse spoke to me. When I first got on my walk with Jesus, I was so on fire for God that I locked myself away in my room with my face buried in my Bible for days on end. Hyper focused on everything God; which in itself isn’t a bad thing, we are supposed to focus on God right?

Well, yes, the Bible tells us to keep God first always and in all that we do. So focusing on God isn’t a bad thing at all, but it becomes a problem when we start to lose sight of who He has placed in front of us as well. From what I have studied and learned thus far in the Bible, God asks us to keep Him first, family second and ministry third. I didn’t know this than, it took for me to burn out, for my relationships to be on the rocks including the relationships with my kids, spouse, family and friends. I couldn’t even bring myself to pray because I was so burnt out. And to have to pick up the pieces of my loved ones who felt neglected, unloved, ignored and unheard was tough. I needed to find balance, I needed and still do need to learn how to keep God first, while also loving and caring for those He’s blessed me with. Those right in front of me.

What I’ve recognized is, as human beings we have a tendency to always want to jump to the finish line, we are so incredibly impatient and impulsive that we miss the point and the purpose of the journey towards the finish line. The Bible also talks about how God has us right where He needs us at any given moment. Seriously, even you reading my blog post right now, God has you here for a reason. There’s a song I like called, “New Wine by Hillsong Worship.” Now I know some people have their opinions about Hillsong and I’m not here to debate, I believe God can and will use anyone or anything for His purposes. Anyway, let’s get back to what I was saying. In the song, the lyrics that speak to me are, “In the crushing, in the pressing, you are making new wine, out of me.” Now what that says to me, is that it is in the experiences of life, “hence experiences”, in the crushing and the pressing that God is building us up. He is making us into new wine. Into new people. It is in those experiences that we overlook, that we learn, we grow and mature. It is in those experiences that we learn the most valuable and crucial lessons of life.

As I was reading the Bible the other day, I came across something that really spoke to me, it said something similar to , “instead of praying and asking God what next? Pray and ask God what do you need me to do right now, right where I’m at?” It was in the study application part of my Bible, but it spoke so loud and clear to me. I realized that I have the habit of always asking God “what next?” Instead of asking Him what He needs me to do right where I’m at. I have the finish line in mind, totally losing focus of the journey it takes to get there. I have a job to do right now. I have a purpose for where I am at right now. Raising up godly children, teaching them His ways and His Word, disciplining them, correcting them, loving them, encouraging them, praying with them etc. I have been given one of many beautiful gifts, and that’s to be a mother to the children God has entrusted me with. And also, being the spouse God needs me to be to the man He has blessed me with. Even as I’m writing this, a part of me is like “no way, it can’t be that simple.” But it is, and although it may seem “simple,” or maybe even “not grand” enough, it is exactly what God needs me to do, and if it’s that important to Him, than it must mean something a lot bigger than my mind wants me to believe. It must serve a higher and grander purpose than I can currently see in this moment.

God is omniscience, meaning He knows everything including what’s ahead. He knows our future and what's to come of it. He also knows the consequences and hardship we will face if we do not pour into our families the same love He pours into us daily. They will feel neglected, grow up feeling unloved and uncared for, they'll lose their sense of identity and worth all while carrying the scars we caused whether it's knowingly or unknowingly. Family is important, one of God's greatest blessings to mankind. He knew what we needed before the creation of the world, and that is why He created us interdependent on one another; for love, encouragement, empathy, correction, and unity. We were created to be one with each other and one with God. So today, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on what's important to you. Is it work? Is it school? Maybe it's all the likes you get on a cool post you made? Or is it your family? If anything is first place in your life that you have placed before God and your family, you have officially unplugged from your life source, and into the world. I say, unplug from the world today, sign out of social media, do that homework assignment later, and focus on God and who He has placed in front of you. Allow God to pour into you His love, so you can pour it in to those He's blessed you with. I pray this blesses you in some way today.



Dear Heavenly Father, I want to thank you so much for pouring all your unfailing love into us daily. Thank you for always teaching us what is important, and for guiding every step we take. Father you are wonderful, you are Holy and you are truth! Nothing in this world could ever separate us from your love. Father today I want to lift the person reading this up in prayer today, and ask that you help them to free up their time and that you give them the desire in their heart to spend time with those you have blessed them with. Fill them up with so much love that it overflows into everyone around them. Remind them how important having a relationship with you is, and how you want them to focus on those you've placed in front of them. Whatever is stopping them Father I ask that you remove it, and make a way where there seems to be no way. Father you do the impossible daily, and I am asking you to do the impossible right now. Change their hearts, allow your spirit to convict them through this post and help them to make a way to you and their families. And I thank you in advance Father, for you are so good! In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen


Jan 13, 2024

This was a really well written post about a very important subject. I loved what you pointed out concerning what Jesus did after the wedding feast. I am going to re-read that account. I just love how the Holy Spirit gives us these amazing insights !! Blessings to you!!

Jan 13, 2024
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Wow !! Thank you so much for those insighful words. They just ministered to me as well!! May the Lord bless you and your family and hold you extra, extra close as He sets out His beautiful plan before you. I always call it the "God adventure" because that is what it is. He is soooo creative !! Blessings to you!!

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