As the years go by, and the seasons change,
The world progresses on, but our Heavenly Father stays the same,
Faithful is his covenant, a selfless love so full of Grace,
Patiently waiting for his children to complete their Righteous race,
Walking beside us, not missing a step,
Proving to us day by day there’s not one promise he hasn’t kept,
Great is his faithfulness to us, even though it could never be reciprocated,
He breaks down every wall, removes every sin, we are VINDICATED!
Sanctifying our lives, setting us apart for his Glory,
Using our life experiences to tell the world our story,
The desire he’s placed inside of us is for others to be released from spiritual prison,
Eagerly testifying for Christ as our permanent life’s mission,
We have been made right before our Father, not out of pity, but of Grace,
Justified in his presence, all of our sins have been erased,
He’s clothed us in Righteousness, humility and love,
Blessing us from Heaven, reminding us everyday; to him we are enough,
Giving us his strength in times of suffering and loss,
Our flesh may suffer, but our soul will not!
We’ve been his before the beginning, and that will never change,
Giving his one and only son Jesus, so we could come back home again,
Our Fathers love is too much, for our finite human minds to comprehend,
It is everlasting, never void, and lasts until the end,
He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Great I Am,
And nothing in this world could ever take you from his hands.